Mahacinta: the Mosque of Love
8 pointed star used as the main form. inspired from The Rub el Hizb, a Muslim symbol, Represented as two overlapping squares, the which is found on a number of emblems and flags. In Arabic, Rub' means "one fourth, quarter", while Hizb means a group or party. Initially, it was used in the Quran, the which is Divided into 60 Hizb (60 groups of roughly equal length); the symbol determines every quarter of Hizb, while the Hizb is one half of a juz '. The main purpose of this system is to facilitate dividing Recitation of the Quran. The symbol is used as a marker for the end of a chapter in Arabic calligraphy.
from this 8 pointed star, I add a love symbol, as a key element for this illustration function, which is to be cover of the wedding invitations. I add a symbol mosque, as reinforcing the image of Islam in this illustration. some optical illusion is also included in this illustration as a symbol of something infinite, can be interpreted as an infinite love.
8 pointed star used as the main form. inspired from The Rub el Hizb, a Muslim symbol, Represented as two overlapping squares, the which is found on a number of emblems and flags. In Arabic, Rub' means "one fourth, quarter", while Hizb means a group or party. Initially, it was used in the Quran, the which is Divided into 60 Hizb (60 groups of roughly equal length); the symbol determines every quarter of Hizb, while the Hizb is one half of a juz '. The main purpose of this system is to facilitate dividing Recitation of the Quran. The symbol is used as a marker for the end of a chapter in Arabic calligraphy.
from this 8 pointed star, I add a love symbol, as a key element for this illustration function, which is to be cover of the wedding invitations. I add a symbol mosque, as reinforcing the image of Islam in this illustration. some optical illusion is also included in this illustration as a symbol of something infinite, can be interpreted as an infinite love.