This is a tax themed poster design. Taxes will provide great benefits in the development of a country. The tax we pay today in a disciplined manner is our contribution in fulfilling financing and higher quality national development to advance Indonesia as a country in the future.
The title of this poster ('Satukan Hati Membangun Negeri') in English means 'Unite Our Hearts for Nation Development'. From that title, we shortened it to ‘Nation Development’. We add the word 'Tax' as a common thread. Then it became 'Tax and Nation Development'.
This illustration is our submission for a poster competition organized by the Indonesian Directorate General of Taxes ( around July 2020. Although we did not win it, but we are quite satisfied with the work that we completed.
The concept of this poster is development, in other words, advancing the infrastructure development of a country. There are many ways to build a country, one of which is through taxes. So here we illustrate some buildings formed from tax slip sheets issued by tax officials. The building height is in accordance with the height of the tax slip curve. This symbolizes the higher the tax money earned, the taller and more magnificent the building is built.

this is the basic sketch of the illustration

A quick time lapse of the making process from rough sketch to final result.

After the illustration is done, just before we add text and logo.

A few glimpses of small details.

After we added the logo and text.The final result.

The mockup preview.